Free Plan is for individual developers working on personal non-commercial projects that do not involve any commercial aspirations or financial gains in any part of the development and deployment. Developers can stay on the Free Plan without any time restriction as long as they comply with the Picovoice Terms of Use.
Free Trial is for enterprise developers working on testing and evaluating Picovoice technology to integrate into products and services that may be used by their employers, clients, or customers.
The Free Trial, subject to approval, grants access to the Foundation Plan usage rights. To start your trial, simply create an account following the Request Trial link. After reviewing your request, our team will activate your trial in a few hours.
No credit card information is required to start your trial. So, once your trial ends, your subscription will not auto-renew. Don’t forget to upgrade your account before your trial ends.
Please note that we only reach out when your request is approved. Failing to provide complete and accurate information may result in denial of your request and termination of your access.Individual projects that are developed solely for developers’ own personal use and funded by their own funds, without the involvement of any companies, qualify for personal, non-commercial use.
Common examples of personal, non-commercial use include learning and self-education, open-source contributions without any commercial benefits, content creation, and hobby development.
Commercial use is defined as any development or deployment that is aimed at gaining financial gain for anyone involved in any part of the project. Commercial licenses can be purchased by enterprises and used by a single person or multiple people within the same enterprise.
Common examples of commercial use include POCs, testing, and production within enterprises. These activities involve a paid employee, contractor, or consultant writing the code.
Both commercial plans, Foundation and Enterprise, grant access to all Picovoice engines at the same usage levels, allowing enterprises to evaluate, develop, and test before committing to large volumes.
The Foundation Plan is available under the standard Picovoice Terms of Use with commercial usage rights and click-thru credit card payment. Eliminating the lengthy enterprise sales process helps both parties save overhead costs and we pass our savings onto the customers.
While aiming to minimize legal and administrative costs, we understand some enterprises must follow certain processes or have certain custom development and support requests. Enterprise Plans allow prospects to adjust the Foundation Plan terms as needed.
All Picovoice contracts start from 12 months and plans are communicated on this page.
As stated above, new customers have 2 options: Foundation Plan and Enterprise Plan. Both plans grant access to all Picovoice engines at the same usage levels, allowing enterprises to evaluate, develop, and test before committing to large volumes.
The Foundation Plan is available under the standard Picovoice Terms of Use with commercial usage rights and click-thru credit card payment. Eliminating the lengthy enterprise sales process helps both parties save overhead costs and we pass our savings onto the customers.
While aiming to minimize legal and administrative costs, we understand some enterprises must follow certain processes or have certain custom development and support requests. Enterprise Plans allow prospects to adjust the Foundation Plan terms as needed.
Picovoice is private by design. It does not track, collect, or store end-user data. Picovoice’s on-device AI engines and models process data locally on the platform of your choice without sending them to remote servers.
Picovoice uses AccessKey, hence internet connectivity to be able to offer its services according to your plan limits. Picovoice engines call home servers to validate the AccessKey and check your plan limits.
Picovoice tracks the usage either using the amount of data processed or the number of users activated depending on the engines. You can check your plan limits and usage on the Picovoice Console dashboard or profile page.
Engines below report usage based on the amount of audio processed, measured in increments of one second:
Engines below report usage based on the amount of text data processed, measured in increments of one character:
Engines below report usage based on the number of tokens processed, measured in increments of one token:
Engines below report usage based on the number of monthly users that activate the engines:
Please note that a user refers to “things” that activate its engines. A user is not a Picovoice Console Account owner, developer, end-user, or their credentials. Since developers have endless options and creative ways of solving problems, a user can be a device for one application and a session for another one.For additional questions, you can check out our FAQs and leverage Picovoice’s other free resources, including open-source benchmarks, demos, and SDKs. Free Plan account owners can report bugs by creating a GitHub issue under the relevant repository.
Enterprise developers can reach out to our sales team to choose the right Picovoice plan and our product & engineering teams to choose the right engine for their needs and get their technical questions answered.