AI-powered Legal Audio Discovery

Transcribe or index in minutes and discover critical evidence from audio in seconds

Improve bottom line and productivity by replacing costly and ineffective methods

Trusted by thousands of enterprises - from startups to Fortune 500s
Loved by 200,000+ developers

Do not compromise accuracy and privacy for efficiency.

Machines have been promising for audio discovery as they reduce the time spent for transcription and search by 100x and the cost by 50x or more - but they require some sacrifices.

Audio files in need of transcription for a mid-sized discovery proceeding
Variations of Quinn Emanuel in PACER
(Law Technology Today)
Importance of compliance and data privacy for CLOs

Review evidence fast and confidently

Analyze trading floor recordings, virtual meetings, or voicemails for regulatory requests and internal investigations efficiently with AI-powered tools.



Human listening is costly and ineffective.

Don’t waste hours locating just a few statements critical to your case or investigation. Picovoice Speech-to-Index makes audio files searchable and discoverable using an acoustic-only phonetic-based approach.



Get all you need to build a voice product.

Some cases require text others require phonetic-based search or keyword spotting. Focus on your business and requirements. Picovoice builds state-of-the-art voice AI models for all needs and s and every platform.


Work with the pioneer of voice AI.

Picovoice builds best-in-class voice AI models that beat the cloud providers’ performance and proves it with reproducible open-source benchmarks.



Find critical phrases and names in transcripts without worrying about transcription errors.

Generic speech-to-text models cannot recognize industry or company-specific jargon, proper nouns, and homophones. Picovoice allows users to train custom models instantly to boost accuracy even more.



Improve your bottom line by using machines for legal audio discovery.

Running large speech models is costly, even for Big Tech. Hence, they pass the costs and more on to the customers. On the other hand, Picovoice offers the most efficient speech models, resulting in resource and cost savings.

🐢 Time to quit slow and ineffective transcription and listening processes?

Transcribe, index, and search with Picovoice in minutes to find what you need in seconds

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