Leopard Speech-to-Text

Accurately convert voice to text with future-ready compliance.

On-device transcription with cloud-level accuracy bringing control back to enterprises

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to start transcribing with Leopard

What is Leopard Speech-to-Text?

Leopard Speech-to-Text is software that converts audio and video recordings into text with cloud-level accuracy without sacrificing privacy.

Leopard Speech-to-Text brings speech recognition to where data resides, enabling transcription on the device, mobile, web browsers, on-prem, or cloud.

Build with intuitive Speech-to-Text SDKs

o = pvleopard.create(access_key)
transcript, words =

Why Leopard Speech-to-Text?

Speech-to-text APIs require enterprises to send their data to a 3rd party cloud, giving away control over their data and product.

Leopard Speech-to-Text offers the same performance with no compromises.

Compliant Transcription that Keeps Voice Data Private and Confidential

Creating new possibilities for your content, product, and database

Cloud Speech-to-Text Performance

  • Accurate
  • 🎚
    Custom models
  • 🤸

…with On-device Benefits

  • No downtime
  • 🔒
    Private by design
  • 💰
Scientifically-Proven Accuracy

Your product, your decision

Evaluate the accuracy of Leopard Speech-to-Text vs other transcription APIs scientifically with the open-source speech-to-text benchmark, enabling you to make decisions confidently with your data.
2025-02-03T11:05:18.697605image/svg+xmlMatplotlib v3.8.3, https://matplotlib.org/
Speech-to-Text Model Adaptation

Boost accuracy with custom models

Customize pre-trained speech-to-text models instantly by adding domain-specific vocabulary and boosting frequently-used words on a self-service platform, achieving the highest possible accuracy.
Speech-to-text APIs transfer voice input to the cloud to transcribe it into text, creating privacy, and reliability issues and additional costs.
Cross-platform support

Create seamless experiences

Deploy Leopard Speech-to-Text anywhere and offer seamless experiences across devices, mobile apps, web browsers, on-premise, cloud, or all.
Privacy by design

Do not rely on “check the box” compliance models

Process voice data without sharing it with 3rd parties, ensuring compliance with GDPR, HIPAA, CCPA, and more - including any policies that come in the future.
No downtime and zero latency

Develop dependable products

Build reliable products with predictable response times by bringing speech-to-text closer to your data to bypass network latency, congestion, outages, or throttling.