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ChatGPT has become one of the most popular AI algorithms since its release in November 2022. Developers and enterprises immediately started adding voice control to ChatGPT and using ChatGPT in voice assistants, such as DaVinci.

DaVinci is a voice assistant developed by David Bleisch. It uses

It takes five steps to get DaVinci ChatGPT AI Virtual Assistant running. Let’s start with prerequisites!


Picovoice and AWS offer Free Tiers that are sufficient for any hobbyist to reproduce and use DaVinci. OpenAI offers free credits to be used within the first 3 months after signing up. We acknowledge that OpenAI can be expensive for a hobbyist running experiments. If that’s the case, you can look at open-source large language model alternatives.

Step 1: Reboot your Raspberry Pi

  1. Open a terminal and enter the following command to open the bashrc file:
  1. Scroll to the bottom of the file using your keyboard and add the following lines at the end (be certain to include the #s):
  1. Press the CTRL and X keys simultaneously on your keyboard, then press Y, and then press Enter to save the revisions to the file. Then enter the following command:

Step 2: Install AI Software

When asked if you want to continue, enter Y and then press Enter

Log back in after the reboot.

Step 3: AWS Configuration

Open a terminal and enter the following command:

The following lines will appear one by one. Take the actions specified in the brackets:

  1. AWS Access Key ID [None]: [Type in your access key ID and press Enter.]
  2. AWS Secret Access Key [None]: [Type in your secret access key and press Enter.]
  3. Default region name [None]: [Find the closest region to you and type the name, such as "us-east-1".]
  4. Default output format [None]: [leave this blank and press Enter]

Step 4: Clone and Modify DaVinci

  1. Download the GPTModelCompare.py program and associated files by opening a terminal and entering the following command:
  1. Modify DaVinci.py to add the OpenAI API Key and Picovoice AccesKey. Open a terminal and enter the following commands:
  1. Use your keyboard to scroll down to find the below lines and replace the placeholders with your API and Access keys.
  1. Press the CTRL and X keys simultaneously on your keyboard, then press Y, and then press Enter to save the revisions to the file.

  2. Move the DaVinci keyword file to the Porcupine raspberry-pi folder by entering the following command. Note that there are two blank spaces between mv and /home and between .ppn and /home.

  1. Reboot your Raspberry Pi.

Step 5. Run DaVinci

  1. Plug your microphone and speaker into USB ports on your Raspberry Pi 4.
  2. To run the program, open a terminal and enter the following commands:

You can then wake up your DaVinci ChatGPT AI Virtual Assistant by saying one of the following wake words: ‘DaVinci’, ‘Computer’, or ‘Jarvis’.

Porcupine Wake Word can process multiple wake words in multiple languages simultaneously.

After the wake word, DaVinci ChatGPT AI Virtual Assistant will respond by saying “How may I assist you?”, “I’m listening.” or something similar. Then make your request. For example, say:

  • “Describe purple.”
  • “What would happen if the moon disappeared?”
  • “What is the meaning of the song Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin.”
  • “Tell me a story about a mouse named Mike, who is looking for his lost cheese in the Astrodome.”
  • “Write a short poem about artificial intelligence.”

You can find more information, including 3D printing tips, on DaVinci’s GitHub Repo. Do not forget to give it a star if you like DaVinci - the ChatGPT AI Virtual Assistant project. GitHub stars help fellow developers find repos easily and encourage maintainers to continue working on those projects.