On-device transcription with cloud-level accuracy bringing control back to enterprises
Leopard Speech-to-Text is software that converts audio and video recordings into text with cloud-level accuracy without sacrificing privacy.
Leopard Speech-to-Text brings speech recognition to where data resides, enabling transcription on the device, mobile, web browsers, on-prem, or cloud.
o = pvleopard.create(access_key)transcript, words =o.process_file(path)
Speech-to-text APIs require enterprises to send their data to a 3rd party cloud, giving away control over their data and product.
Leopard Speech-to-Text offers the same performance with no compromises.
Creating new possibilities for your content, product, and database
The best way to learn about Leopard Speech-to-Text is to use it!
Start FreeSpeech-to-text (STT), also known as Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and Open-Domain Large Vocabulary Speech Recognition (LVSR), refers to the technology and methodologies that convert voice data into text.
Cloud-based speech-to-text APIs send voice data to vendors’ servers, where the transcription engine resides. On-device voice processing brings voice recognition to where the voice data resides, eliminating all the unnecessary steps related to cloud processing.
On-device speech-to-text empowers enterprises to retain ownership and control over their data and products. Sending voice data to the cloud has privacy, latency, reliability, and cost implications. On-device speech-to-text overcomes these challenges, bringing control back to enterprises.
Leopard Speech-to-Text doesn’t, but Cheetah Streaming Speech-to-Text does. Cheetah is Picovoice’s on-device streaming speech-to-text engine that provides text output in real time.
Yes. You can run Leopard Speech-to-Text in the cloud, whether private, public, or hybrid. Picovoice’s on-device voice recognition technology ensures that data doesn’t have to leave the enterprises’ premises regardless of the platform, instead of making the cloud mandatory. Don’t forget to check tutorials for serverless speech-to-text with AWS Lambda and transcription microservice with gRPC.
Leopard Speech-to-Text offers an optimized Falcon Speaker Diarization embedded to simplify the development process. Please check Leopard Speech-to-Text documentation for more information.
Leopard Speech-to-Text performs Trucasing and Punctuation. Please refer to the Leopard Speech-to-Text documentation to enable or disable automatic punctuation.
Leopard Speech-to-Text returns Word-level Confidence Scores. Please refer to the Leopard Speech-to-Text documentation for more information.
Leopard Speech-to-Text generates Word-level Timestamps. Please refer to the Leopard Speech-to-Text documentation for more information.
“Best” is a subjective term. Every use case has different business requirements. Several factors, such as accuracy, availability of features, the total cost of ownership, and data privacy and governance, have different weights in different use cases.
Leopard Speech-to-Text supports English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, and Spanish.
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Picovoice docs, blog, Medium posts, and GitHub are great resources to learn about voice AI, Picovoice technology, and how to start building transcription products. Enterprise customers get dedicated support specific to their applications from Picovoice Product & Engineering teams. While Picovoice customers reach out to their contacts, prospects can also purchase Enterprise Support before committing to any paid plan.