Unlock safety and convenience by bringing voice control to in-car experiences
Drive innovation forward, and strengthen your brand using the cutting-edge voice technology
The dialer did not understand the command. Please try again.
The dialer did not understand the command. Please try again.
Picovoice-powered voice assistants allow car manufacturers to build application-specific voice assistants and take control of the user experience.
Let users call your brand with custom wake words instead of Alexa or Google.
Instantly train custom speech models on no-code Picovoice Console and build voice assistants specifically designed for your brand and product.
Recognize individuals’ voices and personalize their experiences based on their preferences.
Eagle Speaker Recognition, used with other Porcupine Wake Word, recognizes individuals and allows them to personalize settings, from adjusting the seat settings to bringing favorite playlists.
Enjoy unlimited voice interactions, and avoid any surprises!
Picovoice offers unlimited voice interactions, so you don’t pay extra every time a user interacts with the car.
Create application-specific voice commands and detect user intents with high accuracy.
Rhino Speech-to-Intent is a better and 6x more accurate alternative to Big Tech Natural Language Understanding Solutions, such as Google Dialogflow and Amazon Lex.
Run speech models with minimal resources.
Picovoice’s lightweight engines are extremely resource-efficient, running across platforms, including MCUs and MPUs.
Respond to user commands without any delay.
Picovoice’s edge-first architecture processes voice commands locally on the device without sending them to a 3rd party cloud, eliminating connectivity-related issues, including latency.
Train custom speech models on no-code Picovoice Console in seconds.
Picovoice offers accurate voice AI engines out-of-the-box, decreasing time-to-market and supporting fast iterations.