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Noise Suppression engines elevate user experience as a standalone noise cancellation software or embedded in communication applications. Despite the different uses, latency, platform support, runtime, quality, and cost are crucial for all enterprises and use cases. Thus, choosing the right Noise Suppression engine requires a thorough understanding and research.

The article covers Krisp SDK, NVIDIA Audio Effects, RNNoise, SpeexDSP, and Picovoice Koala Noise Suppression. All engines process voice data in real time.

Please note this article focuses on Noise Suppression software for developers to build commercial applications. It does not include end-user solutions such as Krisp Application, NVIDIA RTX Voice, solutions built on RNNoise such as NoiseTorch, product features such as Amazon VoiceFocus for Amazon Chime, or research projects such as DeepFilterNet from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg.

Top Free & Open-Source Noise Suppression Software:

RNNoise: Mozilla launched RNNoise 6 years ago. It combines classic signal processing with deep learning. At the launch, this innovative approach distinguished RNNoise from the alternatives using traditional signal processing techniques to ensure efficiency. Mozilla no longer maintains the library. Hence, it shows its age and offers a limited platform and SDK support despite the community wrappers and plug-ins.

SpeexDSP: Xiph Foundation owns SpeexDSP. SpeexDSP uses traditional digital signal processing techniques, as the name DSP suggests. As in the case of RNNoise, maintainers of SpeexDSP no longer update the repository or offer support to the users.

There are other open-source alternatives developed by researchers for experimentation, such as DeepFilterNet2 from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, or for certain products, such as the webRTC Noise Suppression module.

Top Enterprise-grade Audio Transcription Software:

Krisp SDK: Krisp is known for its end-user application and plug-ins. However, it also provides Noise Suppression SDK for developers. Krisp uses deep learning, runs on the device, and supports Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS, Chrome, Firefox, and Edge. However, Krisp doesn't support Safari, mobile web browsers, and single-board computers. Since Krisp SDK is not publicly accessible, developers need to fill out a form to get more information and access to the SDK.

NVIDIA Audio Effects SDK: NVIDIA Audio Effects SDK is offered as a part of the NVIDIA Maxine suite and is only supported on NVIDIA GPUs with Tensor Cores and is available for Windows and Linux. NVIDIA Audio Effects SDK repository is open-source and maintained by NVIDIA. Integrating it into any product requires NVIDIA branding.

Picovoice Koala Noise Suppression: Koala Noise Suppression uses deep learning, processes data on the devices, and runs across platforms - including Safari, mobile web, and single-board computers. Developers can start building with Koala Noise Suppression for free leveraging Picovoice's free offerings and resources. Enterprises can purchase Enterprise Support to work with Picovoice experts and get technical support.

Noise Suppression engines are ranked in alphabetical order.

If you're looking for more comparisons, do not forget to check speech-to-text, natural language understanding, open-source large language model, speaker diarization, and text-to-speech engine comparisons, or engage with Picovoice Consulting to find the best solution for your needs.

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