Eagle Speaker Recognition
Python Quick Start
- Linux (x86_64)
- macOS (x86_64, arm64)
- Windows (x86_64, arm64)
- Raspberry Pi (3, 4, 5)
- Picovoice Account & AccessKey
- Python 3.9+
Picovoice Account & AccessKey
Signup or Login to Picovoice Console to get your AccessKey
Make sure to keep your AccessKey
Eagle Speaker Recognition has two distinct steps: Enrollment and Recognition. In the enrollment step, Eagle analyzes a series of utterances from a particular speaker to learn their unique voiceprint. This step produces an Eagle Profile object, which can be stored and utilized during inference. During the Recognition step, Eagle compares the incoming frames of audio to the voiceprints of all enrolled speakers in real-time to determine the similarity between them.
Quick Start
Install Python 3 (3.7 or higher).
Install the pveagle Python package using PIP:
Speaker Enrollment
- Create an instance of the profiler:
- Pass the enrollment audio data to the profiler until the enrollment percentage reaches 100%:
- Export the speaker profile:
- Release the resources acquired by the profiler:
Speaker Recognition
- Create an instance of Eagle Speaker Recognition:
- Pass the incoming audio stream to Eagle Speaker Recognition:
- Release the resources acquired by Eagle Speaker Recognition:
For the Eagle Speaker Recognition SDK, we offer demo applications that demonstrate how to use the speaker recognition engine on real-time audio streams (i.e. microphone input) and audio files.
Install the pveagledemo Python package using PIP:
This package installs command-line utilities for the Eagle Speaker Recognition Python demos.
Use the --help
flag to see the usage options for the demos:
Speaker Enrollment & Recognition:
Ensure you have a working microphone connected to your system and run the command corresponding to your platform enroll speaker(s) and perform speaker recognition:
For more information on our Eagle Speaker Recognition demos for Python, head over to our GitHub repository.